House Cleaning with Mad Maids: Review & Giveaway!

July 16, 2016

You may have noticed it's been a little quiet around here for the past few months, but there's good reason for it. I purchased my first home in March and it's been non-stop busy ever since! Between work, furniture shopping, and spending time with family, it feels like I haven't had much time for anything else. It's been a great learning experience and I wouldn't change a thing. My boyfriend and I are happy with where we are, but the one thing I would love to change is the amount of cleaning I do!

Shortly after I moved into my home Mad Maids got in touch with me to schedule a deep cleaning of my house. The timing could not have been more perfect - the house was dusty from renovations and despite all the wiping and cleaning I had already done, I kept finding dirty spots here and there.

Mad Maids is a home cleaning company based out of Calgary, which recently expanded their services to Edmonton. Their company operates by a flat-rate basis which is determined by the number of rooms in your home. Using their system, the number of rooms correlates with the amount of living space in your home which needs to be cleaned.

Three different cleaning services (Routine/Deep Clean/Move in & Move Out) are offered by the teams at Mad Maids, where the deep clean (+$50) and Move In/Move Out (+$60) have an additional cost. If you don't need your whole house cleaned, there is the option for cleaning at an hourly rate of $45.

For each scheduled cleaning a team of two maids comes to your home. I must admit that I was a bit skeptical letting strangers into my home to clean, but Mad Maids employs people who pass a thorough background check, and the company is fully bonded and insured to protect customers in the case of accidental damages or theft. The two people on the team work well together, with the advantage that the job done quickly and efficiently.

I scheduled my cleaning on a Saturday afternoon while I was home as I was curious and wanted to see how my home would be cleaned. The great thing about Mad Maids is that scheduling is done easily online, so their hours can accommodate your schedule. Whether you want cleaning done during the day, evening, or on the weekend, they will find a team that can work for you.

My stove top is SPOTLESS!

I live in a bungalow so there's a ton of living space that needs to be cleaned. For a deep clean of my four bedroom house, it took Mad Maids 3.5 hours, which would technically equate to 7 hours of cleaning for one person! My team didn't take any breaks and worked straight through to clean my house from top to bottom. That's the beauty of the flat rate pricing - you don't pay any additional fees no matter how long the cleaning takes. I was impressed with the cleaning done by Mad Maids. Their extensive cleaning checklist ensured that no spots were left dirty, and no fine details were missed. I was actually surprised about some of the spots they cleaned (the exterior of my front door, the cracks under my sliding windows) and appreciated their attention to detail.

We had a great experience using Mad Maids and my boyfriend and I are considering getting regular cleanings done every few months to supplement what we do on a weekly basis. Mad Maids also offers the option of cleaning when you aren't home, and I think it would be amazing to go to work and come home to a clean house! Does your house need a little bit of help from Mad Maids? Use my code LMA20 for $20 off a house cleaning from Mad Maids, or enter to win a $200 gift card to use towards a cleaning! A second gift card of $50 is also up for grabs. Check out all the details below!



$200 Towards a Mad Maids Cleaning
($50 for the runner up)

Mandatory Entry: comment below telling me why you do/don't like to clean.
If you enjoy it, leave me some tips to help make my cleaning easier!

Note: leaving a comment is mandatory to enter this giveaway - additional entries
will improve your chances of winning, but will not count unless you leave a comment

  • Follow me via Twitter (@littlmissandrea) (+1)
  • Follow Mad Maids via Twitter (@MadMaids) (+1)
  • Tweet about the giveaway: "Hey @MadMaids, my house needs a good cleaning! Hope I win the $200 GC from @littlmissandrea! #yeg" and link back to this post (+2)
  • Follow me via Instagram (@littlmissandrea) (+1)
  • Visit the Mad Maids Facebook page (+1)
  • Visit my Facebook page, and share the giveaway post (+3)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway is open to anyone 18+ years of age in Edmonton. You have until July 30th to enter and the winner will be selected by random and be contacted via email. Good luck!

*Disclosure: I was provided with a house cleaning from Mad Maids free of charge. Views expressed in this post are solely mine. This post is 100% my opinion, and as always, my priority is to you, the reader, to present an unbiased, thorough review.

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  1. I don't love cleaning just because it takes so much time and I almost never get everything clean (dusting is my worst nightmare - it feels neverending).

  2. I don't like cleaning because it feels like undoing all the work I put into messing the place.

  3. I don't love cleaning. So much time and effort goes in and I turn around and it's dirty again!

  4. I feel as if I have a love/hate relationship with cleaning. I love the end result (who doesn't?) but hate the frustration of cleaning with two small children at home. Have you heard the saying "cleaning a house with children is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos "... Well, it's kinda true :)

  5. I don't like cleaning because it's a never ending job keeping up to the dog!

  6. I hate cleaning - especially the deep cleaning required to move! I dread moving at the thought.

  7. I actually love cleaning but I have the "sheddiest" dog ever so it is never-ending!

  8. I don't like to clean because it's not fun. diana

  9. I like cleaning because it allows me to get in touch with my oft-neglected music collection. I start off all house cleaning sessions by dusting my CD shelves. I end up playing discs that I haven’t heard in years. The music spurs me on to complete the job energetically and (almost) enthusiastically.

  10. I don't like cleaning, particularly messes made by other people!

  11. I don't like to clean as it takes too long.

  12. I don't like to clean because I would rather be hanging out with my family.

  13. Cleaning is a chore as i live in a household of 4 people and i am the only one who cleans up. Its like a loosing battle at times!

  14. I dislike cleaning, never-ending job. Love the thought of having my house cleaned!

  15. I don't like cleaning because it feels like as soon as I'm done, its dirty again :( Just one of those neverending chores!

  16. I don't like cleaning, because I have 4 bathrooms to try and keep up with!! By the time I'm done cleaning all 4, I usually "have to go", and never get to enjoy all 4 being cleaned at once! I'm also allergic to dust.... So I'll usually take a Benadryl before I start, and then that makes me sleepy so I don't want to finish.... Oooooh the never ending cycle!

  17. I spend too much time cleaning one area and would be too exhausted to do a good job in the next!

  18. I spend too much time cleaning one area and would be too exhausted to do a good job in the next!

  19. I don't like cleaning right now because there's a lot to clean to sell a condo! So I could really use the professional help!

  20. I do not cleaning because it's never ending. With a toddler,newborn,a dog and cat by the time you are done you have to start all over

  21. I am neat and tidy but hate doing the DEEP CLEANING (which I used to do faithfully 2x a year).

  22. I like cleaning when it's a quick job and I can see a real difference from when I started. But I never feel like I get all the corgi hair cleaned up!

  23. With a baby coming along too soon to think about... I definitely could use a good cleaning up :)

  24. I used to love cleaning. I actually found it relaxing. However, since being diagnosed with Chronic Pain twenty years ago. I find it difficult to keep up as much as I'd like. The task of cleaning has become daunting and extremely overwhelming for me. Help from a Maid Service would be amazing!

  25. I don't like to clean lately because as soon as I do, my kids make a mess of the work I put into it!

  26. I don't like to clean because there's always something more fun to do!

  27. I generally don't mind cleaning, and I really like once it's all done! Though I sure could use some help with some of the extras/in depth cleaning!

  28. Cleaning is a chore as i live in a household of 4 people and i am the only one who cleans up. Its like a loosing battle at times!
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  30. Hee! Seriously, try these things. They are nothing short of miraculous.

  31. Blog was nyce and includes complete detail

  32. I think we all have sung that little tune once or twice. I try to get my Kid more involved in the cleaning routine. I just always seem to take over so it gets done faster. I need to embrace the whole clean slower with help idea. Also gonna check out that first book for some inspiration.

  33. Excellent and very comprehensive guide. One of the most thorough posts on cleaning guide that I’ve read.

  34. If you live in Toronto GTA, i recommend for windows/gutters cleaning. They are the best company that i used to order.


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