Heading out to the fields

- Cattle are fenced into a large area of pasture with fresh, tall grass where they graze.
- Over time the grass becomes shorter as the cows feed, they are then moved into a new area with tall, fresh pasture.
- The chickens are then moved into this area of shorter grass, which is comfortable for feeding.

Happy Hens
One of the newest additions to the Sunworks farm is their on-site processing facility. After a period of time sending their animals to be processed off site, Ron and Sheila felt that in order to treat their animals humanely they needed to do the processing themselves. It's no surprise as Ron and Sheila are both such kind, compassionate individuals, but I think it's pretty amazing that Sunworks is committed to treating the animals so well even at the end of their lives. They make sure every part of the animal is used, including the bones, feathers, and offal. The facility is also incredibly clean - it takes up to 16 hours for a full post-processing clean!

Sunworks Organic Farm produces quality product and is a vendor that I am happy to support. If you're interested in trying some of their products, you can find them at:
- The Old Strathcona Farmers Market on Saturdays
- The Sunworks Organic Meat Shop inside the Roots on Whyte Community Building
- The Southwest Edmonton Farmers Market on Wednesdays
- The St. Albert Farmers Market on Saturdays
- The Market on McLeod in Calgary Thursdays-Sundays
- Online via Spud.ca
*Disclosure: I was invited to Sunworks Farm for a tour and dinner in exchange for a blog post. Views expressed in this post are solely mine. This post is 100% my opinion, and as always, my priority is to you, the reader, to present an unbiased, thorough review.